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How to go on a peaceful “salomey” 101


How to go on a peaceful “salomey” 101

1. Make sure her neighbors are asleep before you enter the house. (Do everything possible not to be seen entering)
2. Keep your phone on and ensure you speak to your trusted boys about your location. They are your back up!
3. As soon as you enter survey the place and look for an exit point should there be an emergency.
4. DONT SLEEP NAKED!!!!!!! Don’t!
5. Don’t sleep feeling too comfortable. Occasionally wake up to spy your immediate surroundings.
6. Mind your posture anytime she picks her phone. This is not the time to be a Jon. You could be recorded.

7. Usually go on salomey wearing gym clothes. The next morning when you leave it is believed you are on your way to or from the gym and not from salomey.
9. If any of her neighbors should see you more than once. He or she is a problem. Be the persons friend. Buy the person random gifts. By all means, win the person to your camp.
10. Learn how to climb buildings, jump from top floors and how to drive fast. I would recommend Jackie Chan, Liam Neeson and Jason Statham movies.
This was put together by reputable “salomey attendees”. Do this and I promise you 99.9% peaceful “salomey” trips but the 1% I am not promising di3 may the Lord be with you.
Away matches are mostly tough

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